
Cleaning Jobs in the USA with Visa Sponsorship – Submit Application Today


The one who cleans slows the world in its journey to ruins. From autumn to winter, flowers blossom and then wither but with every debris of what used to be, then comes the need to clean. Sometimes it is just the journey of time, brushing ancient dust on the furniture, or the ever-aggressive growth of nature pushing the lawn to the edge of mowing. Whatever the case, America’s structures will not clean themselves.

Yet while most people understand the importance of cleaning and even how cleanliness has become a manifestation of class, not many will clean their space themselves, some are a lot more privileged, and then hiring a cleaner becomes a way to give back to society, a means to create even more employment. Apart from private individuals who own most American homes, there are several other establishments constantly needing the service of cleaners. Some are corporations that need to impress in every aspect. 

America is a country of wealthy people, and with other employment considered grander, most Americans seek their future elsewhere rather than be cleaners. This opens an avenue for establishments and homes needing such services to look for individuals willing to render cleaning services from outside the country. 

Why Cleaning Jobs Qualifies for Visa Sponsorship 

As much as several citizens may not fancy being cleaners, the service is one that modern society can’t thrive without, it is regarded as an essential service and certainly, if the supply isn’t coming from home, it can as well come from elsewhere explaining why cleaner jobs are some of the most common means of entry into the United States on Visa sponsorship.

Now that you understand that cleaning is an essential aspect of modern society which is why it is on the sponsorship visa hot sponsorship approval list, let’s refresh on the concept of visa sponsorship regarding cleaning jobs. This starts by understanding visa sponsorship, and how it applies to cleaning jobs.

A brief on the concept of Visa sponsorship 

A visa is an aspect of modern bilateral relationships where individuals from one country enter, live, and possibly work in another country. There are several reasons for individuals to enter a country and a visa is the primary means of communicating such reasons. 

In this case, when we look at a sponsorship visa, we see it as a kind of visa that connects family members or creates a working relationship. In cases where the objective of the visa is to connect or reconnect family members, such a visa is a family-sponsored visa. 

A sponsorship visa which establishes a work-related connection, is employment-based. It creates a relationship between an employer and an employee where the employer is the visa sponsor and in this case, assists the employee through the migration process by posing as the sponsor; the employee on the other hand becomes the beneficiary of such visa process. 

Sponsorship Responsibilities 

To be a facilitator or beneficiary of a sponsorship visa comes with some responsibilities for both parties. Satisfying immigration requirements is a crucial aspect of migrating to other countries legitimately and when such migration is connected to employment then satisfying employment and labor provisions becomes part of the process. Some of the cleaning job visa sponsorship requirements include:

Cleaning job visa sponsor’s responsibilities 

  • Appropriate screening of applicants: Every country is careful about the kind of individuals allowed into such a country. In the case of a cleaning job sponsorship visa, the visa sponsor is the primary means of contact between the United States applicable authorities and the applicant (potential migrant). 

The sponsor is expected to have properly screened applicants to ensure quality character and conduct. This aspect is very crucial as employers at some point may be accountable for the beneficiary’s conduct upon arrival in the country.

  • Employee support: Under the sponsorship visa provision, the sponsor’s responsibilities include ensuring that the applicant has access to the necessities of migration and life in the United States. Such support continues until the applicant is accustomed to the system.
  • Vacancy qualification for sponsorship: The employment policies in the United States prioritize citizens and residents over migrants. In this case, for a job to qualify for sponsorship, it must be proven that no citizen or resident is qualified, willing, or available to fill such a position. 
  • Verify employee’s capacity to undertake cleaning responsibility: Although cleaning in several cases may not require complex procedures, some special cleaning jobs may be demanding in terms of skill. Whatever cleaning job a potential migrant is being employed to undertake, the employer is to ensure that such migrant is efficient in conducting such role.

Cleaning job Applicant’s Sponsorship Visa responsibilities 

To leverage the cleaning job visa sponsorship to migrate to the United States, the applicant is to provide some vital documents that assess the candidate for immigration and employment purposes. These requirements include:

  • Passport
  • CV or resume
  • Police Report on Character Assessment
  • Birth Certificate
  • Health screening certificate or Lab result 
  • Photo ID
  • Education Qualifications or Attained certificate  
  • Language efficiency proof: At least a basic command of English for regular cleaning and excellent language proficiency score for advanced cleaning jobs.
  • Security clearance: This is not always required but may apply if employment grants employee access to sensitive information
  • Ability to afford visa and associated expenditures


Possessing these qualities can increase your chances of employment as a cleaner and also make your work more effective when finally employed.

  • Applicant must possess required skills for cleaning type: Different cleaning jobs demand different skills. It is important that the applicant is aware of the job requirements and work to acquire needed skills.
  • Be responsible with timing: Cleaning is a traditional job that is best performed before the start of business activities. Although cleaning can be done at any time in the day, it is best done early to avoid dust or dirt on people.
  • Maintain good personal hygiene: Cleaning is an aspect of packaging for several enterprises, cleaners ought to be clean before guaranteeing a clean environment.
  • Maintain confidentiality and respect for others’ privacy: Often, especially in private homes, cleaners have had opportunities to discover hidden information and even objects. At all times, cleaners are expected to stay professional.
  • Be of effective communication: Cleaning jobs on several occasions requires good communication with the employer or visitors. Cleaners need to be individuals who are at least capable of basic conversation like warning visitors that the floor is wet.
  • Understand the value of your position: In most corporations or homes, cleaners are often unable to hold their head up; however, the cleaning job is a noble one and crucial to most establishments and homes.
  • Understand that you are an integral and crucial part of the establishment where you work: Cleaners need to see themselves as a part of the enterprise or home where they work. This will bring out the best in such cleaners and possibly improve the reward that such cleaners also take home.
  • Keep fit: A cleaning job can be a bit demanding of energy and agility. Cleaners are expected to be active individuals who pay attention to quality health and fitness.
  • High-rise cleaners must be capable of maintaining composure and stability at great heights.

Suitable visa category for cleaning job

A cleaning job may be regarded as menial but this isn’t always the case. Some cleaning jobs require expertise in Engineering or special training. This includes cleaning complex structures like industrial establishments, high-rise buildings, and skyscrapers. 

For regular or unsophisticated cleaning jobs, advanced education or training may not be required. Cleaning complex structures; however, is a different ball game. 

In the case of unsophisticated cleaning jobs, a H-2B visa may apply while cleaning sophisticated structures requiring advanced knowledge of Engineering or related fields or training may require a H-1B visa category. Potential employees from NAFTA countries in this case may explore TN visas.

Usually, determining the ideal visa category for any migration purpose can be tricky, you must seek further guidance before settling on what class of visa you should apply for. We recommend learning more through research or by consulting further. 

Appropriate experts to consult are those with advanced knowledge or experience in the US immigration system. Such an expert could be an immigration lawyer. You May also learn more about Visa categories and sponsorship here.

Benefits of Cleaning Jobs in the US

  • Financial Reward: Cleaning jobs range from simple/traditional to complex/advanced. Simple cleaning jobs may have a salary structure of an average of $15.5 while advanced cleaning needing engineering or other advanced knowledge may earn about $22 an hour.
  • Insurance: Some cleaning jobs have a high insurance stake. Construction-related cleaning like skyscraper cleaning companies are in most cases insurance friendly.
  • Time flexibility: In several cases, a cleaning job can bring flexibility in timing where workers can do things on time and appropriately thereby saving more time for personal use.
  • Tips and Bonuses: A clean job often attracts rewards and this is even more pronounced when a cleaner does a clean job.
  • Control: Depending on the nature of the cleaning job, a dedicated cleaner can tell when the place needs cleaning and proceed to do that at once. This gives more freedom.

Landing a Cleaning Job in the US through a remote Self Help Approach 

Cleaning is not just a job category, it is an essential life practice. For huge establishments, the job of cleaning falls on dedicated cleaners. Nowadays, even private homes usually require the service of dedicated cleaners. To secure cleaning jobs, foreigners can utilize some opportunities, especially social media. How to go about that:

  • Contact potential employers on social media: Social media today has become a diverse tool of opportunities. Firms use the mass reach of social media to reach customers and potential employees. You can contact businesses through such channels as social media handles or profiles. From there you can apply for the vacant position which may include a cleaning position.
  • Reach out to dedicated recruiters: Cleaners are demanded by corporations and private individuals. It is difficult for individuals to sponsor employment visas. When individuals desire to employ cleaners, they usually rely on migrants sponsored by dedicated recruiters. Finding such recruiting enterprises and accessing their websites or social media handles for updates may improve your chances of securing employment.
  • Access traditional vacancy advertisers: Private individuals and firms often patronize the service of advertisers. In most cases, local copies of such publishers or advertisers may not be accessible remotely. It is possible given the power of the internet for such firms to make digital copies of their publications available on the internet. Applicants can access such online copies and possibly apply for advertised jobs.

US Firms with Visa sponsorship requiring Cleaners

One of the most amazing aspects of the cleaning job is that as far as robots have not taken over the world, virtually every firm needs a human cleaner. 

Knowing this, we have picked a few of the US firms with visa sponsorship; lucky and qualified applicants may secure a cleaning job in such an establishment and benefit from such a firm’s sponsorship offers. 

Note: You have a near-infinite chance of securing employment as a cleaner at establishments other than the ones listed here. 

  • Citigroup: Whether it is a tradition or a coincidence that every bank branch usually has at least one dedicated cleaner is a story for another time. Banks remain some of the institutions with the highest demand for cleaners. Citigroup is a notable establishment making the migration process for its employees irrespective of employment department seamless.
  • Cognizant: Tech companies aren’t left out when industries prioritizing hygiene are in focus. Several tech firms in a bid to reduce the environmentally harmful cleaning model usually employ even animals like goats to graze their complex. Cognizant is one of the tech firms that prioritizes traditional cleaning.
  • Bechtel Corporation: America’s skyscraper windows need cleaning after a while of dust, rain, and sunbathing but this is one of the cleaning categories that require engineering knowledge aspects. 

Construction equipment or structure cleaning usually poses challenges that Bechtel Corporation and others will not overlook individuals capable of delivering on such jobs irrespective of where they come from and for this reason, they offer visa sponsorship.

  • LifePoint Hospitals: Cleanliness is part of the services hospitals render. Cleanliness is a healthy practice. LifePoint maintains its openness to foreign workers in all their employments that qualify for sponsorship.


Cleaning is one of the jobs with the brightest opportunities to migrate to the United States. Both basic and advanced cleaning jobs are in high demand and usually qualify for sponsorship. 

Individuals passionate about keeping society and homes cleaner may find opportunities to migrate to the United States by benefiting from numerous visa sponsorship options.

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