
In-Home Child Care Jobs in Bakersfield, CA USA – Apply Now


The more we move away from the old saying that “it takes a village to raise a child” the closer we move toward it. Villages are becoming endangered. There are still several communities in the US today that qualify as villages but the characteristics that made them villages are disappearing. Raising a child today still needs extra hands even if what we used to know as villages no longer exists in the true sense of it.

In Bakersfield California, gone are the days when keeping a moderate farm would be enough to sustain a family. The requirement of quality life in the city today is way ahead of what it used to be; calm villages that used to have individuals relaxing over a summer evening now have struggling individuals working extra hours to make ends meet. 

It takes more to live a standard life in Bakersfield today than a century ago. Now, being a housewife is no longer enough or acceptable because the man alone in most cases won’t be able to provide for the entire family. This has created another opportunity sector (in-home childcare) where nannies are employed to cover the times that mummy and daddy may be out seeking daily bread. 

In several cases, in-house child care qualifies for visa sponsorship as traditionally, high school girls usually take up nanny jobs as part-time jobs; in most cases, they leave for college or other adventure characteristics of young people. This constantly creates a gap in the nanny supply chain in the United States. Thereby making the job open for visa sponsorship.

Visa sponsorship as it applies to in-home child support 

When America looks elsewhere to shore up childcare workers’ supply, what this means is a relaxed visa policy for individuals on such migration paths however the reality is that visa procedures still apply. There’s a need for applicants especially to understand the concept of sponsorship visas as this will make potential migration requirements easier to attain. 

Visa sponsorship is a process of US migration where two parties connected by way of employment or family, identify the need to migrate one of the parties (applicant) to the United States to fulfill mutual interest. Such interest in the case of a family visa could be a reunion while in the case of employment, sponsorship is primarily to establish an employer and employee working relationship. If you prefer learning more about visa sponsorship you can do that by accessing detailed resources here.


The visa procedure is an immigration process and when employment is intertwined, it becomes of labor and employment interest. This means that both sponsor and beneficiary have responsibilities to the United States which they must fulfill by following the provisions of these institutions. What are these responsibilities:

In-home childcare job Employers’ Responsibilities

  • Ensure the establishment’s right to exist: Before an establishment qualifies to migrate foreign workers into the US, such an establishment must have fulfilled all the critical provisions for business in that category. The firm must have the right to operate in the United States and fulfill local provisions for such enterprises.
  • Assured support for applicant: In-home child care moving into the United States requires support. Before assigning such a career home or a child or children to care for, the applicant may need to get through several things. 

This includes first the migration process in which a lot of input will be needed from the employer and then should the process be successful and the employee arrive in the United States, such employee will still need additional help while settling into the system. 

At all points even after the applicant is fully integrated into American society, the sponsor will be under obligation to ensure that the applicant is getting adequate support.

  • Verify the applicant’s ability to care for children: Individuals may leverage the relaxed immigration approach to childcare jobs to migrate to the US without having the passion to care for children. Part of the applicant’s screening must include the verification of the applicant’s ability to achieve employment objectives effectively.
  • Ensure that vacancy qualifies for migrant sponsorship: It is standard practice in the US labor and employment system that opportunities meant for and that can be undertaken by individuals in the country don’t go to outsiders. This means that employers must seek approval from authorities to be able to bring migrants over to the US. 

In-house Childcare Employee’s Responsibilities  

Regarding the migration of in-house childcare job applicants, certain responsibilities are expected of candidates hoping to migrate through a sponsorship visa. Such may include the provision of information, documentation, and certificates essential to immigration and employment process facilitation. These include:

  • Passport
  • Security Clearance (not needed in all cases but may be required since in-house childcare may include sensitive family information access)
  • Photo identification
  • Character assessment report from home country police
  • Health Screening Result or Certification
  • Documents of Originality. In this case, a birth certificate qualifies.
  • Educational Qualification
  • CV or Resume
  • Excellent language test score: American parents prefer nannies capable of contributing to their child’s literacy development. English proficiency would help in that regard.

Eligibility Criteria for In-House Childcare Jobs

Childcare is not like any other job. Raising children is a delicate and sensitive venture as such individuals hoping to migrate to the United States on an in-house childcare job sponsorship are expected to possess some qualities. Children are sensitive to their surroundings and emulate the individuals within. As an in-house childcare, the applicant is to possess brilliant characteristics that may foster positive child growth. These include:

  • Passion for children: Raising a child takes love, understanding, and the desire to watch a human grow. It takes more than food and other material and structural needs of a child like shelter. A child’s all-round development is important as such the job of in-house childcare is best suited for individuals passionate about raising quality kids.
  • Minimum of High School diploma: A child’s mental development is very crucial as well as other forms of development. In-house childcare candidates need to be individuals who can contribute to the education and development of children under their care. Although this may not always need advanced education, a high school diploma holder may be able to make a positive educational impact on children. This includes helping with basic arithmetic, and grammar, and helping with literacy development.
  • Sound Character: Children pick behavioral patterns from individuals around them. People who intend to care for children have to be conscious of the kind of behavior they exhibit around such children, this includes the information that they expose such kids under their care to. 
  • Protective personality: Taking care of children requires being able to ensure the safety of minors under such a caregiver. This includes protecting children from physical harm and also ensuring that minors don’t have access to harmful information over the internet, TV, or other sources.
  • Other aspects of childcare and assistance: In many cases, children need help while attending to basic things like eating, and putting on their clothes and shoes. In-house childcare employees must be ready to assist and guide such children in attending to these things and learning other crucial life lessons.
  • Understanding of basic child healthcare: Although one can care for children without advanced pediatric knowledge, childcare requires at least basic children’s healthcare knowledge. This will enable the caregiver to explain symptoms to healthcare experts or help minors with the appropriate dosage of prescriptions.

Benefits of Working as an In-house Childcare Giver

  • Joy-filled: For many people especially those passionate about caring for children, children can be such little beauties. With such a mix of innocence, curiosity, and love, caring for children can be amazing for several individuals.
  • Amazing salary: With an average salary within the range of $19.5 an hour, the in-house childcare job can be regarded as lucrative especially when the flexibility, workload, and the fun part of the job are put into perspective.
  • Occasional Tips and Other Gifts: Childcare can come with numerous rewards from parents. This can be cash gifts or others. Excellent childcare candidates are often assimilated by members of the family.
  • Accommodation: Some in-home childcare may provide accommodation for caregivers in the care recipient’s house or separate shelter.
  • Quality relationship: Childcare is more about building a lifelong friendship. First with the family of the child you care for and again with the child you are providing care for. Several children hold their nanny dear even as they grow into adults.
  • Time advantage: Caring for children comes with advantages regarding timing. Sometimes kids may be enrolled in school, sleeping, or watching TV. While the caregiver is to pay utmost attention to the child or children under their care, these moments of the child’s playtime, nap-time, etc. give the caregiver some moments to attend to other things.
  • Growth and personal development: Caring for children comes with some interesting challenges. Solving these challenges creates opportunities for caregivers to learn new things and advance as individuals.

In-house child care self-help approach for securing visa sponsorship jobs 

Remote access to international resources via the internet is creating opportunities for individuals to secure international jobs while in their home country. Follow these steps to apply for potential vacancies leveraging the available platform for remote reach to your potential employer and visa sponsor. 

  • Reach in-house job recruiters on social media: Several recruiters now look up to social media as an effective tool for vacancy advertisements. Apart from advertising vacancies, some recruiters also use the medium to reach families demanding in-home childcare. Applicants can leverage such platforms to reach potential employers and secure in-house childcare jobs.
  • Reaching dedicated recruiting firms on their websites: Several dedicated recruiting firms assist families in finding qualified in-home childcare employees. Applicants can reach such recruiters through web searches.
  • Using remotely accessible copies of local advertisement and publishing companies: Several recruiters in Bakersfield, CA patronize traditional publishing houses or advertising companies. Although it may be hard to reach local copies remotely, digitized copies are usually accessible online. Applicants can reach their potential employer through contacts in the digitized copies of vacancy publications.

Firms in the US with Visa Sponsorship for In-house Childcare Jobs

In most cases, it is complicated for families to pose as a visa sponsors since the childcare candidate isn’t migrating as a family member but as a job seeker, recruiters are usually saddled with the responsibility of migrating in-house childcare workers to the United States.

Given the sensitivity of in-house childcare. Parents prefer employing people they know and are familiar with; most in-house childcare givers may find another channel to migrate to the US. 

It is most likely that such childcare candidates may explore related industries with visa sponsorship and then later find a childcare part-time job or full-time job. That is the easiest route as families may not trust new migrants with their children.

This implies that when considering employment for in-house childcare, this is not a full-fledged industry; visa sponsorship for this category may rely on recruiters or employing individuals sponsored by related industries. For instance, nurses sponsored by pediatrics facilities may be able to work as an in-house childcare. Now let’s look at the channels potential in-house childcare candidates may leverage to migrate to CA, USA.

  • Families employing caregivers through recruiters: Regarding in-house childcare, your potential employer (family) can sponsor your visa through a recruiter firm. This is a lot more complex but not entirely impossible. 

Other Related Entities

Related entities can also facilitate the migration of individuals. These individuals may later opt to work as in-house childcare possibly on a part-time basis or as the situation demands. Such related entities with visa sponsors are: 

  • Mayo Clinic’s Children Center: As a healthcare provider of nationwide repute, families can employ workers in its pediatric unit who may work part-time as caregivers. Since it is tough for families to assign new migrants as in-house childcare providers, some workers in Mayo Clinic Children’s Center (pediatric) may be candidates for part-time in-house childcare.
  • UCSF Benioff Children’s Hospitals: The University of California, San Francisco’s facility for children’s healthcare can create a reliable route for healthcare experts like nurses to migrate to the United States; after they have built trust within the community, potentially employing parents may pick interest in such employee where they can work part-time on in-house childcare bases.
  • Other visa-sponsoring jobs: Although in-home childcare jobs are best suited for individuals in children-health-related fields, trust is more important in childcare than profession. 

Parents may give individuals who migrated to the US on other career paths a chance to care for their wards after verifying their character and personality. This opens doors for individuals who may have migrated to Bakersfield California on other pursuits who have great personalities and love caring for children. 

Ideal Visa type for in-house childcare jobs

US sponsorship visa is career-sensitive. This means that the applicant’s profession plays a critical role in deciding a suitable visa for such an applicant. Given in-house childcare, there is no standard qualification required for the job. Parents will prefer individuals with at least a high school diploma.

This complicates visa options further. Being that childcare is more related to the medical field, we shall use the visa category most suitable for RN nurses for this purpose. 

In this case, we assume that H-1B visa may be applicable in most cases. You can also migrate with the more temporal and less academically demanding H-2B visa. What matters more in in-house childcare is migrating to the US and impressing parents on why they should trust you enough to leave their child or children under your care. 

As far as you are most likely young, preferably a lady with a great personality, you could land an in-house childcare job in California but for this to happen, you most likely need to find other career paths that may take you across into the US. 

Note: Consider this employment and travel advisory not exhaustive as such, we recommend you seek more guidance by researching further or contacting experts on immigration matters, especially regarding the US and its labor and employment system.


Having a passion for children is the most important aspect of gaining and sustaining your in-house childcare job. This is a very unique job sector as in most cases parents won’t be sponsoring visas for non-relatives. 

But if caring for American children while earning some income is your passion, you can utilize several available visa sponsorships to migrate to Bakersfield, CA then after integrating into the California society, you may be lucky to find an in-house childcare job on a part-time or full-time basis.

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