5 Things That Might Happen When Npower Program Is Rejigged

In today’s Latest Npower News, we are talking about 5 Things That Might Happen After Npower Program Rejiggering. So keep reading!

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Recall that the Minister of the Ministry of Humanitarian Affairs and Poverty Alleviation Dr. Betta Edu stated that Nigerians should rest assured that all existing empowerments within the National Investment Programme will be rejigged, made more effective, and cover more Nigerians.

Looking at the Minister’s statement, we have decided to create this post to keep you updated on what might possibly happen to the N-Power programme. So let’s go straight to the point!

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5 Things That Might Happen After Npower Program Rejiggering

1. Since the current set of the Npower beneficiaries’ terms will come to an end by October 2023, the new Npower Management might exit batch B and clear their outstanding stipend payment.

2. The New Npower management might begin with recruiting a new batch of 2023 Npower volunteers.

3. The stipend payment for the Npower beneficiaries might be reviewed upward or downward to engage more Beneficiaries.

4. The agency under the Ministry of Humanitarian Affairs and Poverty Alleviation that will be overseeing the Affairs of the Npower programme and other NSIP Programme is the National Social Investment Programme Agency NSIPA managed by Mrs. Bulus

5. Since the new Administration is focusing on creating jobs through the digital economy, the Npower management might try to engage more Npower beneficiaries in that path.

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