6 Important Requirements you must meet to Join the Nigerian Navy

Nigerian Navy

Before applying for the Nigerian Navy Recruitment 2020/2021, below are the very important requirements you are required to meet.

Important Requirements to Join the Nigerian Navy

  1. You must be a Nigerian Citizen
  2. You must meet some certain physical, mental, and psychological training i.e be physically, mentally and medically fit.
  3. Fall within the age bracket of 18-24 (subject to change, depending on the type of recruitment)
  4. For males, a height of 1.7m while for females, a height of 1.67m.
  5. Be literate and have certain educational qualifications.
  6. You would have to pass the Nigerian Navy Aptitude test and series of interviews conducted at different stages.

Do you meet the above requirements? If yes, kindly proceed to the application portal here. If you do not meet them, no problem. Kindly Join us on WhatsApp for notifications of more opportunities.

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