A 22-year-old Nigerian woman rejoices after receiving four PhD offers from several universities.

Promise Ekpo Osaine, a young Nigerian woman, has received four PhD offers from around the world, two of which are fully supported and the other two are partially funded.

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She has hailed her triumph on social media after receiving four PhD offers abroad, two of which are fully supported and the other two are partially funded.

The young lady stated on her LinkedIn page that she had received three masters offers in addition to the PhD offers.

Princeton University’s Promise Ekpo Osaine has started her PhD program in computer science.

Princeton University, University of Notre Dame, University of Colorado, and Kent State University all extended her PhD offers.

Western Illinois University, University of Alabama, and Saint Louis University all offered her master’s degrees.

The young lady claims that the scholarships she received in the United States are worth $206,510 per year (N85,129,617.30).

Promise has accepted a PhD program in computer science at Princeton University, which is regarded as one of the best in the country.

The young lady expressed herself as follows:

This means a lot to me as a 22-year-old #Nigerian lady from #Akwaibom who attended #Uniben.” People used the word “OKON” for disparaging examples when I was a kid, and it hurt my self-esteem.

I’m sharing this tale to encourage all #youth and girls out there.” Regardless of their modest financial and educational backgrounds, skin color, country, age, or gender, they can do anything they set their minds to.”

Promise was keen to point out that obtaining the scholarships was a difficult process. After sending out 140 cold emails, she received 11 rejections. As she puts it:

“I wrote 140 cold emails, received 11 rejections, and worked my 8-5 job (sleepless evenings) in order to obtain these scholarships.”

The young lady met Wilfred Asuquo, a LinkedIn influencer and life coach who taught her about US scholarships and statement of purpose.

She stated, “First, I met Wilfred of Zeed Worldwide, who taught me about US scholarships and Statements of Purpose, and who has now been my #Lifecoach.

Promise, a computer engineering graduate with honors, later met several persons who were also crucial in obtaining the scholarships. They were thanked for their assistance by the young lady.

She also expressed gratitude for the help she received from the First Class Leaders Network.

Promise also thanked Education USA, Dr. Kelechukwu, and Isaac Udotong for their assistance.

As she puts it:

In November, I was awarded the Dr. Michael Taiwo MT Scholarship, which covered my #IELTS, transcript, and two application costs.

“Akinbiyi, Oluseun, and Oyakhi, my MT mentors, guided me. Oyakhi went over all of my documents and pushed me to apply to the best colleges.

I contacted DEKEMP’s Dr. Kelechukwu, who examined my SOP and has been a huge supporter of mine since then.


Originally posted 2021-10-19 15:03:39.

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