African Writers Awards 2019 Shortlist

African Writers Awards 2019 Award Shortlist
The African Writers Development Trust has released the shortlist for the 2019 African Writers Awards. Speaking at a press conference at their Abuja office on Monday, 26th of August, the Chief Judge, Anthony Onugba, informed the press that unlike the longlist which had 10 nominees per category, the shortlist contains 3 nominees per category.

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The winner will be announced during the 2019 African Writers Conference to hold at the Sarit Centre, Nairobi, Kenya on the 28th of September. Below is the shortlist in no particular order:

Children’s Literature – Judged by Nahida Esmail (Tanzania)

Albinism Is Not A Curse by Oroni Tendera (Kenya)
The Zappinator by Eme Ogbu (Nigeria)
Cultural Stereotypes by Kui Gitonga (Kenya)

Flash Fiction – Judged by Adah Bitiah Chembo (Zambia)

Breaking the Norm; Ungrateful Girl by Temani Nkalolang (Botswana)
Osu By Bliss Boma (Nigeria)
Bambi by Nkateko Priscilla Masinga (South Africa)

Poetry – Judged by Kolabomi Adeko (Nigeria)

Young Alone by Njoka Dickson (Kenya)
Pongwe’s Life by Andrea B Matambo (Zambia)
Where Do You Come From by Karimot Odebode (Nigeria)

Short Stories – Judged by Sabah Carrim (Mauritius)

A Lesson in Diffraction by Justin Clement (Nigeria)
Wild Things by Mazpa Ejikem (Nigeria)
Hiding by Priscillar Matara (Botswana)

Congratulations to those shortlisted.


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