Ondo State Digital Training for Unemployed Graduates | How to Apply

The Ondo State government has concluded plans to train unemployed graduates in the state in digital technology.

According to the information released by the State Information Technology Agency, SITA, the programme will run for 9 months with a monthly stipend of 30k.

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Successful participants will be entitled to a laptop, desktop or iPad depending on their area of specialization & a startup loan from Central Bank of Nigeria at the end of the program.

It’s being co-sponsored by the CBN, Ondo state government through the State Information Technology Agency, (SITA) and a private firm, Envivo Communications Ltd.

SEE ALSO: OSOPADEC Bursary and Scholarship Awards 2021 for Ondo State Indigenes


The only requirements are NYSC & first-degree certificates.

How to Apply

Click the following link to apply https://ondo.ngage.com.ng/. For more information or enquiries, call 08157821538 or 07030776026.

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1 Comment

  1. Concerning the Ondo state digital training, what format do I use in uploading my documents?

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