Apply for World Bank Group Youth Summit 2022 Pitch Competition for Young Changemakers

The 2022 World Bank Group Youth Summit Competition seeks proposals from youth (18 – 35 years) who have innovative and action-oriented solutions and projects for “Unlocking the Power of Inclusion for Equitable Growth” based on three pillars of development: social, environmental, and economic.

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World Bank Group Youth Summit 2022: Unlocking the Power of Inclusion for Equitable Growth

May 26-27, 2022

Hybrid (Online and Washington DC)

The competition rewards the most innovative idea that fosters:

  • Social inclusion as a driver for equitable growth
    (Education, Health, Gender, Social Safety Nets)
  • Environmental inclusion as a driver for equitable growth
    (Climate Change Mitigation, Climate Adaptation, Climate-Smart Technologies)
  • Economic inclusion is a driver for equitable growth
    (Access to Financial Services, Financial Decision Making, Sustainable Livelihoods and Employment, Private Capital Mobilization)
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  • The competition is open to individuals or teams not exceeding 4 people, aged 18 – 35.
  • The competition is open to individuals or teams not exceeding four (4) people, aged 18 – 35. Participants can be students, as well as people in the workforce or any other occupation. No prior experience in any particular field or topic is necessary. Diverse, gender-balanced team compositions are strongly encouraged.


  • Finalists will join the 2022 WBG Youth Summit at the World Bank Headquarters in Washington D.C. Travel expenses will be covered including lodging for up to three nights for one representative from each team finalists will have the chance to connect with experts engaged in global solution-solving in the impact space, including both public and private sector leaders across the social, environmental, and economic inclusion landscapes.
  • They will also be offered an opportunity to pitch to potential investors, get tailored mentoring, and receive admission into the inaugural Youth Summit Competition Alumni Network, as well as other virtual and in-person initiatives to elevate the finalists’ stories and solutions throughout the World Bank network.

How to Participate

Participants shall provide innovative and concrete solutions that showcase the role of the youth in fostering equitable growth through social, environmental and/or economic inclusion.

  • NEW THIS YEAR: Proposals can be submitted in English, Arabic, French or Spanish.
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Step 1 – Information Session on February 11, 2022: Register to join the webinar for all the information you need to submit a solid application and pitch deck. Register Now

Step 2 – Submit Your Proposal (Deadline: March 4, 2022, 11:59 pm EST): Applicants and pitch decks will be evaluated by an expert committee. Shortlisted individuals/teams will be announced by early April and will proceed to the next stage.

Step 3 – Refine your Idea & Prepare your Pitch (April): Individuals/teams shortlisted in Stage 2 will receive feedback on their pitch deck and may be asked to submit further information or refine their pitch deck.

Step 4 – Pitch your Idea at the Youth Summit (May): Finalists will join the 2022 WBG Youth Summit at the World Bank Headquarters in Washington D.C. Travel expenses will be covered including lodging for up to three nights for one representative from each team. Other team members will be able to participate through the virtual platform. Given the ongoing developments associated with the COVID-19 pandemic, the World Bank Youth Summit team will adhere to CDC travel guidelines and confirm travel feasibility in advance of the Youth Summit.

Submission overview

All applicants/teams must submit two components for their Pitch Competition Application:

  1. General Application Form
  2. Pitch Deck (Download the template here)

The General Application Form will collect basic information on the applicant’s team composition.

The Pitch Deck will be the space for applicants to share their proposed solution to the challenge question. To support and standardize applicant submissions, all applicants will be required to use the “Youth Summit Pitch Deck Template” in their submission. The Pitch Deck template will consist of:

  • Team purpose
  • Problem and opportunity
  • Theory of Change
  • Solution
  • Market Size
  • Competitive Landscape
  • Business Model
  • Team Composition
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 All applications must submit both of the following application components:

  1. Application Form:
  2. Pitch Deck:
    • Pitch Deck submissions must be submitted in PDF format and the size should be less than 10MB.
    • Pitch Deck submissions can be done through the application form.

Submission Rules

  • Pitch decks must be created by and owned by the Participants (s).
  • Pitch decks can be submitted in English, French, Spanish, and Arabic.
  • Applicants are strongly suggested to design intersectional, cross-cutting solutions that relate to at least one of the sub-pillars of the Youth Summit 2022.
  • Applications will be judged based on the following criteria: (1) Clarify, scope and relevance of the proposed solution to the challenge question; (2) Innovation and originality; (3) Feasibility of implementation and sustainability; (4) Potential for global impact and scale.
  • For questions, comments, and enquiries, please reach out to[email protected]

For More Information: Visit the Official Webpage of the World Bank Group Youth Summit 2022 Pitch Competition

Deadline: March 4th, 2022

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