Want to fulfil your dreams? Become a Brand Partner with Oriflame and be your own Beauty Boss

Become a Brand Partner with Oriflame

Oriflame’s brand promise Your Dreams – Our Inspiration is deeply rooted in the history and heritage of our company. Throughout our 50+year history, we have always been committed to inspiring and offering people an opportunity to achieve their dreams through our unique business concept.

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Inspiration is a manifestation of our commitment to our customers and consultants; their dreams play a major part in inspiring new beauty products and programmes for developing your own business.

Here are our key benefits

We believe in dreams

A dream is individual and personal. Dreams and goals are beautiful and important. Oriflame is, and always has been about fulfilling dreams. This is what we do. Every day. For people all over the world. Are you a dreamer? Do you have goals? Welcome.

We believe in beauty

Become a Brand Partner with Oriflame

Your beauty is as personal as your dreams. Through our unique beauty products created in Sweden we have given millions of people the opportunity to change their lives for the better. When you look good, you feel good. And when you feel good, you are ready to reach for your dreams.

We believe in you

Become a Brand Partner with Oriflame

Our work starts with your dreams. They are our inspiration. We encourage individuals to dream, to set their own goals. And we are a partner along the way. Our culture is based on respect for and belief in others. We listen to you. Together we create a global network of beauty and making dreams come true.

Want to fulfil your dreams?

Are you Ready to…

  • Look good using high-quality Swedish products made from Nature
  • Make Money by making profits and building a community of like-minded people
  • Have fun by travelling the world for free with Oriflame?

Oriflame will set you up to become one of her brand partners in less than 20 minutes with ₦15,000 or more.

With the digital tools and trainings we have available to guide you on how to leverage on the power of social media and work from anywhere you want, you are ready to take over the world.


Click the link to connect with Oriflame consultant directly for more information.

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