Call For Submission: The Sage Magazine, Obafemi Awolowo Hall, University of Ibadan

As part of her annual tradition to feed and enrich people of near and
beyond with the publication of her highly revered and widely read The
magazine, Obafemi Awolowo Hall, University of Ibadan in
conjunction with Obafemi Awolowo Hall Press Organisation hereby calls
for submission of articles that would be featured in this year’s edition
of The Sage Magazine.
Articles in all their forms – poetry,
prose, conversation- are welcome. Entries are limited and the best works
will be selected.
Articles may be written under the following areas of concentrations as suits the writer:

or Follow us on WhatsApp Channel

  • Politics
  • Health
  • Arts
  • Agriculture
  • Entertainment
  • Sports
  • Technology
  • Comics
Et cetera

All submissions should not be more than 1000 words maximum and should be sent to [email protected]

Deadline for Submission is (without extension) 20th September, 2018.

NOTE: We detest plagiarism in all its forms and hence, all forms of plagiarism are highly prohibited.

Also note, the publication and readership goes beyond the University
community and as such writers should put in their very best and also,
even when correcting the ills should refrain from derogatory remarks
aimed at persons. Articles with personal or biased attacks are highly
prohibited as well.

For more details and advert placement, contact :

Aishat Babatunde

(Editor-in-chief, Obafemi Awolowo Hall Press Organisation)


Osundara Elizabeth

(Information and Publicity Minister)

0806 276 4368

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