CALL FOR SUBMISSION | Thematic Anthology of Abiku

Warm greetings to poets all around the world. This is to inform you that ACEworld has commenced her reception of poem(s) on the theme “ÀBÍKÚ”

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It goes beyond a rigid fact that poets, at one particular time in their literary career or the other, write on this particular theme since it defines a poet’s depth, passion and manipulations into the spirit world.

ACEworld will be publishing a thematic anthology(e-book) from the submissions and hereby make it available for download to every eyes all over the world
“We have our reach and we keep our records”

Download Scarlet Silk (collection of poems on lust)


Kindly submit your poem(s) using either of these methods

Click here to submit
– Fill all the spaces required for submission appropriately
– Indicate with uppercase characters “THEMANTHOLOGY OF ÀBÍKÚ” above your poem


– Send your poems to [email protected]
– Include “THEMANTHOLOGY OF ABIKU” as the subject of the mail
– Send your poem as the body of the mail (No Attachments)
– Include not more than 50words biography.

Download Thematic Anthology of Night, 2016

Any entry that does not come in this order will be disqualified.

We will get back to you as soon as we receive your entry.

This is your chance to write your words on the pages of history.

Visit for more information or contact the Admin at [email protected]

Download the Cultural Anthology by Black Pride Magazine


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  1. i’ll paint you beauty-fair than mona-lisa,
    i’ll write our story in the pages of the cloud,
    in the leaves of the trees
    where we kiss and made love,
    in the sands of the beach
    where they will stay forever
    in the memories of the water,
    when the waves wave them away
    i’ll watch,
    for they wil remain in my memory.
    i’ll hold your hands when you are not here,
    i’ll hug you even in your absense,
    i’ll bend to kiss your forehead,
    when you are just a shadow
    that appears here and there and is not there.
    i’ll water your grave and watch them
    grow once again flowers of our love
    blossoming like your smile used to bring
    out your dimples when i touch them
    and stare into your eyes so simple,
    i’ll pluck these flowers and tuck them
    behind my ears like you used to
    do for me, i’ll do that again and again.
    i’ll wait for you outside on the bench
    like i do when you go out late,
    i know you are comming back again,
    i’ll wait till you do.. even if its forever,
    or till afterlife, i’ll look for you..
    i promise..
    for i miss you

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