List of Required Document For Physical Verification of Pre Selected N-power Candidate

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Npower Volunteer Physical Verification exercise commences immediately after you have been pre-selected. To physically verify at the screening centres, N-power is in partnership with National Orientation Agency, and National Youth Service Corps and some other specialised agencies.

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Note that automatic disqualification await those who fails to show up in their respective venues on the date given to them for physical verification.

SEE ALSO: Npower Batch C, Stream 1 Physical Verification/Deployment to Commence

List of Documents Needed for Npower Physical Verification 2021/2022 batch C

Here are a list of documents you should take to your screening venue :

  • Education Credentials/Degree
  • NYSC discharge certificate
  • Residential permit of your Local Government area.
  • print of your BVN details
  • Passport photograph
  • Your Authentic and valid identity card
  • N-power 2021 online print out with your Reference number.
SEE ALSO: Npower Batch C new Salary Break down for incoming applicants

The purpose of carrying out physical verification for all applicants is to recruit those who merit the job; those who meet all the requirements expected from an eligible applicant.

During the physical verification, shaft are filtered from the grains. Only deserving applicants should be shortlisted and sent to their primary place of assignment.

Those who are impersonating or beneficiaries of Batch A and B will be screened out.

SEE ALSO: Reason Some Are Yet to Be Shortlisted For Npower Batch C Verification

Biodata you should have always with you

You will be asked to fill these data during your physical screening. Just ensure you are with it always :

  1. Full names as recorded in your BVN
  2. Address information
  3. The LGA of State of residence
  4. Your state of origin and LGA
  5. Your mother’s maiden name
  6. Your NYSC PPA (place of primary assignment) and state.
  7. The year you finished service for those applying for graduate category positions.
SEE ALSO: How to Install NASIM Npower Biometrics Software on Your Device

As you head to the physical screening venue, ensure you have all your educational certificates. If possible make Photocopies of them and also go with the original but be careful because that day might be rowdy.

All degree holders should get their NYSC discharge certificate, take it along with other documents NPower is strictly for unemployed Nigerians who are finding it hard to land their dream job.

Physical verification for all N-Power Batch C applicants commences immediately after the whole test, location and time will be communicated as time goes on.

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