Earn extra income, Be your own boss, and Manage your time with Oriflame

Become a Brand Partner with Oriflame

For over 50 years, Oriflame has been empowering people to make a change in their lives by personally recommending and selling high quality beauty products inspired by nature and powered by Swedish science.

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Oriflame is Europe’s largest beauty company selling direct with a global community of over 3 million independent sales consultants around the world.

Benefits of working with Oriflame

Become a Brand Partner with Oriflame

Income & Flexibility

You can start your business today and immediately make money by selling products. Or, you can build your own team and increase your earnings over time as you coach them to grow too.

When you start with us, we will provide your business with digital tools and get you your own online store. You will get access to trainings, workshops and coaching – everything you need to succeed and reach your goals.

Work from home

With us, you have the freedom to choose your own hours, work from where you want and enjoy more time doing the things you love. Enjoy the flexible lifestyle you have always desired, starting from today!

There’s no place like home – to work and earn in comfort. One of the best parts of being an Oriflame Beauty Partner is that you have the freedom and flexibility to work whenever and wherever you want, even from your sofa. Forget nine-to-five hours, long commutes and offices – this is home-based career happiness!   

Global Beauty Community

One of the benefits of being an Oriflame Brand Partner is getting the chance to meet new friends from around the world who share your beauty interest and entrepreneurial spirit.

We have a big, diverse and inspiring global beauty community and together the possibilities are endless. For over 50 years, we have been sharing experiences, knowledge and laughter together, because we believe that helping and supporting each other is the way to success!

Become a Brand Partner with Oriflame

How to Begin

Are you Ready to…

  • Make Money by making profits and building a community of like-minded people
  • Have fun by travelling the world for free with Oriflame?
  • Look good using high-quality Swedish products made from Nature

Oriflame will set you up to become one of her brand partners in less than 20 minutes with ₦15,000 or more.

With the digital tools and trainings we have available to guide you on how to leverage on the power of social media and work from anywhere you want, you are ready to take over the world.

Speak with Cintia Igwe now by clicking the start now button below or send her a message on WhatsApp at +234 903 027 3555.



While you share this opportunity with friends, please follow us on Twitter, Facebook and Telegram.

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