Free Course: Foundations of Computer Science: Theory and Practice

Free Course: Foundations of Computer Science: Theory and Practice

Foundations of Computer Science: Theory and Practice, Learn the fundamental topics of Computer Science and practice them for full mastery.

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Master a selection of Algorithms and how to analyze their performance using complexity analysis

Understand the different data structures like LinkedLists, Stacks, Queues, Trees, Graphs (etc.) and use them to solve problems efficiently

Learn these essential topics using Python. Python is easy and quite fun!

Study groups

Study groups will be organized in Beirut, Lebanon once a week during which you’ll be able to go over the material that you didn’t understand, ask questions and solve problems with our experts. Schedule will be sent to all students taking this course.

Who is this course for?

  1. Anyone who wants to learn the fundamental topics of Computer Science. A good understanding of Data Structures and Algorithms will take you a long way as a programmer
  2. As an enthusiast you will learn the ability to evaluate your code and optimize it for greatest efficiency. Data Structures will greatly enhance how you write your code and how to effectively store and manipulate data in memory
  3. As a former Computer Science or Software Engineering student this course will be a strong refresher

Enroll in this FREE course and you will learn:

  1. Python (Programming Language)
  2. Algorithms (Sort, Search, Binary Search Tree Insert/Delete/Search, Depth First Search, Breadth First Search)
  3. Complexity Analysis (Big-O)
  4. Data Structures (Linked List, Stack, Queue, Priority Queue, Trees, Graphs)


If you need help accessing this information, feel free to ask the admin on our Telegram Support Room or drop a message on our Facebook Support Room.

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