Ghent University Doctoral Scholarships 2021

Ghent University Doctoral Scholarships 2021

Ghent University is now accepting applications from students who are citizens of developing countries for its 2021 Doctoral Scholarships.

With support from its “Special Research Fund” (BOF), Ghent University grants PhD scholarships to promising PhD students from developing countries who wish to carry out half of their PhD research at Ghent University and half in a university in a developing country.

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Each year the Flemish Government allocates research funds to Ghent University so as to implement the Flemish Government Resolution of December 21, 2012. Ghent University wishes to support university research groups or research centres in developing countries in their aim to grow into excellent research centres by upgrading local academic personnel.

Ghent University PhD Scholarships Eligibility

  • Candidates need to come from – and have the nationality of – a developing country (see country list);
  • The proposals must be jointly submitted by a candidate, a supervisor (promoter) at Ghent University and a supervisor at the partner university (South).
  • No restrictions are imposed on the field of research, nevertheless preference will be given to topics that are relevant for development
  • Only degree students (students who intend to obtain a (joint) PhD degree at Ghent University) are welcome to apply. Exchange students cannot apply for this scholarship.
  • Ghent university wants to encourage more female researchers to apply for this scholarship. That is why a Ghent University supervisor can support maximum 2 candidates per call on condition they are of a different gender.

The following mobility scheme is mandatory:

  • Students need to start and end with a research stay of 3 -12 months in Ghent.
  • The first research stay in Ghent needs to be started between October 1, 2021 and February 28, 2022.
  • At least 24 months of locally funded research stay in the South must be scheduled in between the first and last research stay in Ghent.

Ghent University Doctoral Scholarships Funding

  • The Ghent University promoter receives a bench fee of €310/per month of research in Ghent + €8,000 travel budget to cover (part of) the operational costs, as well as part of the travelling costs of the student and both the Ghent University and the local promoter.

Ghent University PhD Scholarships Duration

  • The earliest starting date of the scholarship at Ghent University is 1 October 2020;
  • The candidate obtains a scholarship for 24 months to study at Ghent university (Nord);
  • 24 months of the PhD research/study must be cofinanced at the partner university in the South;
  • Students are obliged to divide the Ghent University scholarship into minimum 2 different research stays in Ghent (North) and need to return at least once to their home university (South) in between (= ‘sandwich- schedule’);
  • The following mobility scheme is mandatory:
    • Students need to start and end with a research stay of minimum 3 up to maximum 12 months in Ghent.
    • The first research stay in Ghent needs to start between October 1, 2021 and February 28, 2022.
    • At least 24 months of locally funded research stay in the South must be scheduled in between the first and last research stay in Ghent.
  • The average duration of PhD studies in Belgium (Ghent University) is 4 years.

Ghent University PhD Scholarships Selection Criteria

  • The qualifications of the applicant
  • The relevance of the research topic for development & capacity building
  • The doctoral project

(including the scientific/scholarly potential of the promoter’s research group(s); including the partnership between Ghent University and the local institute; the scientific/scholarly potential of the local institute).

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How to Apply for Ghent University Doctoral Scholarships

  • Download the application form
  • The Ghent University supervisor must submit the following 2 documents:
    • An advice on the candidate, stating the supervisors opinion on the capability of the candidate as a future researcher.
    • An advice on the ethical and biosafety context of the proposed research project.

Applications must be submitted (in English) electronically via e-mail to [email protected]. Deadline is 4th February, 2021.



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