Heal The World by Ayouba Toure

Heal The World

 How must we heal this world—make it a better place for our children and our children’s children.
Shall we bore an ambulance—hurry the world to El Camino,
Or shall we take the world to Life Healthcare, South Africa.
At the outskirts of the world—Boko Haram, Al-Qaeda and ISIS.
The elephants now trumpet for there’s crisis,
The doves and pigeons coo for there’s hatred;
The root of all evils—makes the world shitty.
Injustices—baptised this innocent world.
The sweet blue water has faded;
filled with excrements.
The ever green forest has crumbled.
In Africa, everyone has wrinkles;
Poverty is now the order of the day.
The Infants—are the adolescents;
The adolescents—are the adults.
For the bulk(poor) go thru daily starvation.
The bats screech—they foresee obscurity.
How are we to purge those lesions—making the world apt for us all.

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