WhatsApp users who are moving to Telegram can now bring their chat history – including videos and documents – to the new platform.
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Telegram is introducing the ability to import your chat history from other apps including WhatsApp. This means that you won’t lose past conversations from your WhatsApp.
Over 100 million users have joined Telegram in January since Whatsapp made an update to its privacy policy. You can join us here also.
How to move your chat from Whatsapp to Telegram
To move a chat from WhatsApp on iOS, open the Contact Info or Group Info page in WhatsApp, then tap Export Chat, then choose Telegram in the Share menu.
Meanwhile, on Android, to export chats on WhatsApp, on mobile, click on the three dots at the top right of a chat (for both individual and group), tap ‘More’, then ‘Export chat’, and follow the prompt to choose the destination.
This feature allows you to send all conversations in the chat with or without media.
Any messages imported into chats have a small “Imported” label on them noting when they were originally sent, and when they were brought into Telegram, and messages are visible to all chat participants.
Imported messages appear in the order in which they are imported, rather than in the order they were originally sent.
Originally posted 2021-01-29 17:06:09.
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