How To Submit to Pop Up Projects 2020 (Prize: £500)

Pop Up Projects

In line with celebrating its 10th anniversary, Pop Up Projects will be publishing Ten Stories to Make a Difference. Each winning entrant will receive £500 for their story amongst other benefits. Deadline is 30th July 2020.

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They will be celebrating its 10th anniversary in January 2021. This is 10 years of transforming the lives of children who are literally inclined.

To make this occasion memorable, they will commission and publish Ten Stories to Make a Difference: ten original short stories for young readers by ten writers and ten illustrators.

In order to make this venture unique, five well-known illustrators will illustrate stories by five emerging writers, and five emerging illustrators will illustrate stories by five well-known writers.

How To Submit for Pop UP PROJECTs 2020

  •  The theme of this submission this difference. Stories must explore or touch on the subject one way or another!
  • Each story will be 10 pages long, have a minimum of 750 and a maximum of 3,000 words.
  • It must be professionally edited and art inclined, beautifully designed and lovingly hand-printed in a special small print-run limited edition.
  • They’ll be launched at Pop up projects’ 10th birthday party, and sold as part of their campaign to raise £1million to engage 100,000 more young readers, writers and illustrators over the next five years.

Before you proceed, kindly consider these opportunities below:

Benefits of Applying for Pop UP PROJECTs 2020

Pop Up will pick three winning entries to take forward, Each winning entrant will:

  • Receive a £500 fee for their story
  • Be matched with a published children’s illustrator, who will illustrate their story
  • Get time with a publishing editor and art director to perfect their story
  • Be published in a short print run, and receive 10 copies of their book
  • Feature in a major promotional campaign as well as at Pop Up’s 10th birthday party

Deadline: 30th July 2020.

To submit your entry, Click here.

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