Kenbus Foundation ICT Education Programme For Youths and Teens

“If you want to build a home, empower the mother but if you want to build a society empower the children. There is a saying that; Train up a child in the way he should go and when he is old, he will not depart from it”.

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There is a foundation that takes up the responsibility to train the youth and teens of Nigeria. They are Kenbus foundation.

About Us

Kenbus Foundation also known as (Knowledge Bus) is a non-governmental organization operating as a social enterprise in Nigeria.

Kenbus Foundation was founded in the year 2015 and incorporated by the Corporate Affairs Commission (CAC) in the year 2021.

Kenbus Foundation provides access to ICT Education for youth and teens in Nigeria rural communities

Our mission is to see a soft nation with quality educational systems using technology tools to solve the problems of today and tomorrow, We build the mind of teens towards goals driving.

Our goals

  • Education in ICT: Leverage Technology tool with education
  • Opportunities: We transform every idea into action.
  • Skills Development: Improving economic opportunities.
  • Nation Building: Provide expanded learning opportunities.

Building community awareness through advocacy and education, and to promote social support and treatment of mental health issues related to childbearing in West Africa

We understand that, children need to learn about ICT education that really matches their future needs. And that is why we started these initiatives under the body of KENBUS FOUNDATION formerly known as SoftNation.


  • Upper sanda Street of Awolowo way opposite peoples Girls grammar school Ibadan Oyo Nigeria
  • Mobile Number: +234 811 294 2875
  • [email protected]
  • Location: Molete Ibadan Nigeria.

Disclaimer: Sponsored by Kenbus foundation

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