New York University Basics of Computing and Programming Free Online Course

New York University Basics of Computing and Programming Free Online Course
👨‍💼 Sponsor: New York University
📚 Field: Computing and Programming
🌐 Host: edX
🎓 Mode: Online or Offline
🎓 For more: Subscribe to Courses

What you’ll learn

By the end of this course students should be able to:

  • understand binary number systems and conversion to other number systems
  • understand hexadecimal number systems and conversion to other number systems
  • apply numeric and string data types to represent information
  • apply variables in program development
  • analyze assignment and apply its components in program development
  • apply basic I/O operations with different data types
  • design expressions using arithmetic operations (including understanding their limitations, such as integer truncation, round-off error, division by zero, narrowing and widening conversions, casting, precedence, and standard math library functions)
  • design expressions using relational operators (including understanding floating-point equality)
  • design expressions using logical operators (including short-circuit)
  • design selection statements (including nested selection)
  • design repetition statements (including count-controlled versus event-controlled, sentinel-controlled)
  • design simple data structures using lists (including using loops with lists and multi-dimensional lists


Course Outline:

  • Week 1 – Positional number systems
  • Week 2 – Hello World
  • Week 3 – Numerical data types and arithmetic expressions
  • Week 4 – Branching statements
  • Week 5 – Iterative statements [Loops]
  • Week 6 – Strings
  • Week 7 – Functions
  • Week 8 – Lists [Array-based sequences]
  • Week 9 – Exam

Note: See other free online courses here.

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