Npower: Frequently Asked Questions About Deployment

Npower official has released all questions and answers related to deployment and physical verification.

1. What to do when LGIs are asking for BVN printouts, utility bills and PPA letter?

Answer: LGI’s should note that the ONLY documentation required for physical verification are as follows:

i. ID Card

ii. Academic credentials (Graduates)

iii. N-POWER Reference Number (to hand)

2. LGIs are not verifying applicants with non-health certificates.

Answer: Beneficiaries for N-Health may be verified upon presentation of a graduate degree in ANY Discipline.

3. N-AGRO applicants are seeing 10,000 nairas as their stipends instead of 15,000 nairas as stated at the beginning of the program.

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Answer: Applicants are to note that N-Agro is a GRADUATE ONLY programme with a stipend of N30,000 per month.

4. When will redeployment and relocation commence?

Answer: ALL deployment/PPA related enquiries and activities will commence on Monday, 4th October 2021. Further information will be provided on the NASIMS Portal

5. How long does it take for the change of PPA to be considered?

Answer: ALL deployment/PPA related enquiries and activities will commence on Monday, 4th October 2021. Further information will be provided on the NASIMS Portal

SEE ALSO: Npower: FG To Rollout & Execute 5 Case-Plan For Batch A/B/C

6: Applicants whose DOB on their BVN or valid ID does not match with the DOB on their profile,

Answer: Such beneficiaries are to be verified if both DOB provided, indicate the applicant is under 35 years of age.

7. Applicants whose verification venue keeps changing, how will they know their real location?

Answer: For Physical Verification location, applicants may utilize the following channel

i. NASIMS Self Service Portal

ii. USSD Short Code *45665#

iii. Support Centre 092203102

8. When will verification venues with insecurity issues do their physical verification.

Answer: All applicants in areas with security challenges as confirmed by State Focal persons are not required to undergo physical verification or PPA resumption until further instructed.

9. How do applicants posted to insurgent locations report to their PPA.

Answer: All applicants in areas with security challenges as confirmed by State Focal persons are not required to undergo physical verification or PPA resumption until further instructed.

10. Can the LGIs verify applicants whose DOB did not correspond with the DOB on their certificates but other details are correct?

Answer: Such applicants may be verified on the condition that neither DOB places them above the age of 35 years.

11. What can be done when an LGI have login issues?

Answer: LGI personnel with any technical challenges should call the dedicated NASIMS support line on 018880232 12. Can beneficiaries without a physical verification centre on their dashboard go to their nearest verification centre for the exercise?

Answer: All applicants MUST attend the designated physical verification Centre as indicated on their self-service portal. Applicants who are unsure of their venue should call the dedicated beneficiary support line on 092203102 for resolution

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