Obafemi Awolowo University Teaching Hospitals Recruitment: Shortlist Released

The Obafemi Awolowo University Teaching Hospitals Complex, ile-Ife, one of the foremost Teaching Hospitals in Nigeria, was founded on the Ife Philosophy as a guiding principle which focuses on an integrated healthcare delivery system approach with emphasis on comprehensive healthcare services comprising primary at the base, secondary and tertiary services at the hospital settings.

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The institution has six (6) healthcare hospital units with 780 -Bed complement and 55 Dental Chairs offering diverse and specialized service.

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The vision of the institution is to become a leading centre of excellence in every Clinical Training and Support Services while its mission is to provide quality healthcare services, Manpower Development through Training and Research for the overall Benefit of the Patients and Society.

The application for the recruitment was done last year and today they released the shortlist of the successful candidates and also set 31st of May 2021 for their CBT Exam date

To check the list Click Here

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1 Comment

  1. Please will the exam still hold today being 31st of may

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