Rapid Response Register (RRR) Payment Update

The Federal Ministry of Humanitarian Affairs, Disaster Management and Social Development have disclosed that before the end of April 2022, 150,000 beneficiaries of the COVID-19 Rapid Response Register will be paid for six months, amounting to N30,000, under the National Social Register Programme.

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The Minister, Sadiya Umar Farouk made this known in a document on the strategic roadmap and activities of the Federal Ministry of Humanitarian Affairs, Disaster Management and Social Development obtained by The Punch on Sunday.

Recall that there was a massive Nassco Covid-19 Credit Alert of N30,000 in March 2022 which marked a wide disbursement of the RRR grant to a large number of the Rapid Response Register beneficiaries.

The rrr payment made as a lump of N30,000 covered for N5,000 in a period of 6 Months, which is the duration of the National Social Register Programme, designed to support urban poor informal workers who were daily wage earners working across towns and cities, and impacted by the COVID-19 lockdown.

SEE ALSO: Rapid Response Register (RRR) Update: Payment and Registration

According to Farouk, to date, out of one million beneficiaries targeted by the government in the Pilot Phase of the Rapid Response Register, the Ministry has been able to pay the sum of N5000 to 850,000 beneficiaries digitally through the Nigeria Inter-bank Settlement System, where each account is carefully validated by the system before payment.

The Minister noted that under the National Social Register as of 2022, 46 million persons in the 36 states and FCT, in 11 million households, had been registered by the Ministry.

Farouk further disclosed that as of June 2022, another set of two million beneficiaries would start receiving N5,000 basic cash transfers and an additional N5,000 Conditional Cash Transfers to their Bank Accounts, which would amount to N20billion to be splashed on the beneficiaries of the National Cash Transfer Programme.

Originally published by myinfoclock

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