World Teacher’s Day 2020: 10 Scholarship Opportunities for Teachers

10 Scholarship Opportunities for Teachers

In celebration of World Teacher’s Day 2020, we have compiled 10 open scholarship opportunities for teachers to advance their career and better attain a fulfilling lifestyle.

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We can never underestimate the impact of teachers in the world today. As Mustafa Kemal Ataturk, former President of Turkey says, a good teacher is like a candle, it consumes itself to light the way for others. 

A finding published by Guardian further revealed that, nation building in Africa will remain intricate as the teachers, the stabilizer of the society are suffering from psycho- economic challenges. This is why we have compiled this lists below for teachers to advance their career

Africa Initiative for Governance (AIG) Scholarships 2021/2022

The AIG Scholarships are targeted at graduates with strong intellectual capability, outstanding academic achievements, leadership skills and a passion to contribute to the development of Africa’s public sector.

  • Target Group: Eligible Nigerians and Ghanaians
  • Host: Africa Initiative for Governance (AIG)
  • Prize: Fully Funded
  • Deadline: October 15, 2020
  • Mode of Application: Online


Government of Ireland Postgraduate Scholarship Programme 2021

The Government of Ireland Postgraduate Scholarship Programme is an established national initiative, funded by the Department of Education and Skills and managed by the Council.

  • Target Group: International Scholars
  • Host: Government of Ireland
  • Prize: €16,000 per annum & more.
  • Deadline: October 29, 2020
  • Mode of Application: Online


2020 First Bank Service Executive Conversion Programme For Young Nigerians

First Bank is Nigeria’s largest financial services institution by total assets and gross earnings. With more than 10 million customer accounts, FirstBank has over 750 branches providing a comprehensive range of retail and corporate flnancial services.

  • Target Group: Nigerians
  • Host: First Bank of Nigeria
  • Prize: Agreed Salary/Wages
  • Deadline: Not Applicable
  • Mode of Application: Online


United Nations Young Professionals Programme, 2020-2021

The Young Professionals Programme is a recruitment initiative for talented, highly qualified professionals to start a career as an international civil servant with the United Nations Secretariat.

  • Target Group: Young Professionals
  • Host: United Nations
  • Prize: Two years contract
  • Deadline: October 31 2020
  • Mode of Application: Online


Lester B. Pearson Fully Funded International Scholarship Program 2021/2022

The Lester B. Pearson International Scholarships at the University of Toronto provide an unparalleled opportunity for outstanding international students to study at one of the world’s best universities in one of the world’s most multicultural cities.

  • Target Group: Outstanding students from around the world
  • Host: University of Toronto, Canada
  • Prize: Fully Funded
  • Deadline: January 18, 2021
  • Mode of Application: Online


Other Scholarships/Internships

WAAW Foundation Scholarship 2020/2021 for Female Students

Melbourne Business School (MBS) Clemenger BBDO Scholarship 2020

Apply for World Trade Organization Internship Programme 2020-2021

Mastercard Foundation’s Transforming Nigerian Youths Program

Shell Nigeria Postgraduate Research Internship for University Students 2021 

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