New Book Alert: Silent Pa(r)th by Funminiyi Anthology

Silent Pa(r)th by Funminiyi Anthology

Here is an Anthology that aims to reawaken the sleeping poets and reveal the loneliness on the path of living the art. Thirty-two poems were received, and selecting the 12 sterling poems in this anthology was arduous.

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Silent Par(r)th was published by Funminiyi Anthologies on ACEworld Bookstore in January 2024.

Silent Pa(r)th by Funminiyi Anthology
Silent Pa(r)th by Funminiyi Anthology

According to the curator

“The low number (the lowest since 2017) further verified the silent claim. Why have you forsaken your first art? Are you today’s Judas Iscariot betraying the gospel of poetry?

“Silent Pa(r)th is a missive to the silent poets. Remember, the art chooses you. I hope this anthology becomes a word breaking your walls of silence.

Click this link to download this free anthology, then sit back and enjoy!

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