Three Poems by Daniel Atu

Poem 1 – Self

Self is the dreaded darkness
Pray never to be entrapped by it claws
For they are torments to the soul
And encroachment to the spirit of the saint
May this phase be an enlightenment
For a soul like me to be sober and watchful
With a devoted heart of dispensing love.

Poem 2 – Wailing Voice

We plan yet life shows us something different
A journey made over the years become futile
I am a voice wailing; been mocked by foes
I won’t give up; a living dog is better than a dead lion
To God Be The Glory!

Poem 3- Today

The sky shines bright
The rain comes with its flavour
The ground takes in the labour
Surely today is so beautiful
Oh! With smiles, I’m blessed
Rejoice Ye inhabitants of the earth
For peace of the mind is worthwhile
And a heart filled with love knows no spring.

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