Top Competitions for Writers/Poets in April 2023

These are top competitions open to writers/poets in April 2023. These competitions come with a lot of benefits like monetary gifts, awards, mentorship, publishing deals and so on.  Interested? Make sure to apply for the deadline.

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1. Wergle Flomp Humour Poetry Contest 2022/2023 ($3,500 in prizes)

Now in its 22nd year, this contest seeks today’s best humor poems. No fee to enter. Submit published or unpublished work. $3,500 in prizes. No restriction on age of author. Both unpublished and previously published work accepted.

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2. The Mysterious Case Writing Contest 2023

The theme of this contest is “The Mysterious Case”. We chose this theme because it’s broad enough to include all genres and fuel your creativity. To respect the theme of the contest, the main character or characters of your entry must have a suspenseful investigation with a mystery in the plot. This event must occur in the story before the end of the fourth chapter and must be mentioned in your book description.

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3. Evening Standard Stories Competition 2023

We’re searching for fresh new voices who can take the idea of ‘belonging’ in a surprising direction or tackle it in a way that stops us in our tracks. Perhaps it’s a personal story that holds a universal resonance, or maybe this is a chance to think beyond the real and write a compelling work of fiction. Think about communities, clubs, tribes, groups – parties, football matches, school rooms, chicken shops, barbers, and the joy that comes from being part of something.

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4. Super Hero Writing Competition 2023

Saving the world’ is the basic job description of most superheroes, but who on Earth is going to help ‘save the planet’? Maybe that’s where you come in! As part of the Green Stories Competition, this contest challenges you to create an uplifting short story of superheroes that respond to climate change. Imagine your target audience to be teens and young adults that enjoy watching superhero films.

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5. Casa África Micro Story Contest 2023

The competition is organized by Casa África Consortium.  The competition is open to anyone over the age of 18.

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6. Authour of Tomorrow- Wilbur Smith Adventure Writing Prize 2023

The Author of Tomorrow is designed to find the adventure writers of the future. Part of the Wilbur Smith Adventure Writing Prize, it is an annual competition open to young people across the world who have completed a short piece of adventure writing in English.

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