What To Know About All Options On NSIP Service Code 45665

We will be telling you what you need to know about all the options on the National Social Investment Programme NSIP Service code *45665#. So read on.

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The NSIP Service code is introduced so that beneficiaries and prospective applicants of the Scheme can easily have access to Choose the 4 Programme under NSIP and additional 2 which are listed below:

1. N-Power


3. CCT


5. 543


The National Social Investment Program (NSIP) of Nigeria is a social welfare initiative created by the Federal government of Nigeria in 2015 under the direction of the National Social Investment Office. The Program was created to ensure a more equitable distribution of resources to vulnerable populations, including children, youth, and women. Under President Muhammadu Buhari the office has created four programs to address poverty and help increase economic development.

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1) N-Power – The N-Power Programme is a job creation and skills empowerment programme of the Federal Government of Nigeria. The Programme is designed to target Nigerians between the ages of 18 and 35 and aims to help young Nigerians acquire and develop life-long skills to become practical solution providers in their communities, enabling them to become innovative players in the domestic and global markets.

2) CCT – Means Conditional Cash Transfer. The Conditional cash transfer Programme directly supports the most vulnerable by providing no-strings-attached cash to those in the lowest income group, helping reduce poverty, improve nutrition and self-sustainability, and supporting development through increased consumption,

3) GEEP – Means Government Enterprise and Empowerment Program.

The Government Enterprise and Empowerment Programme is a microlending investment programme that provides businesses for the bottom of the financial pyramid. The beneficiaries include traders, women cooperatives, market women, enterprising youth, farmers, and agricultural workers at no interest rate.

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4) NHGSFP – Means National Home Grown School Feeding Program.

The National Home Grown School Feeding Programme aims to deliver a cost-effective home-grown school feeding programme with a specific focus on increasing school enrollment, reducing the incidence of malnutrition especially among the poor; empowering cooks while supporting local agriculture through smallholder farmers, thereby stimulating economic growth through the socio-economic value chain.

5) NEXIT – This is an initiative of the Ministry of Humanitarian Affairs in partnership with CBN to provide empowerment opportunity options in its effort to further empower the Exited Npower Beneficiaries to become self-reliant rather than going back to the street with nothing.

6) S4J – Means Skills for Job. The Skills for Job is designed to pilot a new approach to skills training of Nigerian youths from poor and vulnerable households for existing and potential labour market opportunities.

All the programmes under the NSIP managed by the Humanitarian ministry have their purpose. GEEP program should not be mistaken for NEXIT Scheme, they are both different programmes. While everyone can apply for GEEP, only exited Npower beneficiaries can apply and benefit from NEXIT.

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Originally published by Npower Discussion Group

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