Writers Space Africa (WSA) accepting submissions for her MAY 2019 edition

Writers Space Africa (WSA), an international literary magazine, published by the African Writers Development Trust (AWDT), is calling for submissions for its 29th edition (MAY Edition) under the theme “COLOURS”.

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They accept submissions in the following categories:

  • Articles/Essays – 1,200 Words maximum
  • Flash Fiction – 300 words maximum
  • Poetry – 1 poem, maximum of 24 lines
  • Children’s Literature – 700 words maximum (illustrations may be attached)
  • Short Stories – 1,500 words maximum
  • Jokes – 1 joke per writer
  • Artworks – maximum 3 artworks in high resolution
  • Personalised quotation – 1 quotation and must be the original work of the author

Please note the following:

  • You’re only entitled to submit for one category. 
  • The Deadline for submission is April 12, 2019. 
  • Their editors will revert to selected unpublished writers on areas of improvement in their work. 
  • Due to the number of entries we receive, only selected authors will be on our website. 
  • The author retains copyright. 
  • Your work must be thoroughly edited before being uploaded. We will in turn edit selected entries to suit the publication. 
  • They ONLY accept MS word documents. Artworks can be sent in either JPEG or PNG formats. 

The magazine will be released on the 1st of May, 2019 on our website.

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