Free Book: Boys Are Not Stones Anthology II: A Country of Broken Boys

In the last two decades, the presume indicative belief, and the universal conception of male predominance over the female counterpart had given rise to active voices from all over the globe; regarding gender inequality, unfairness and injustice contending the girl child across the nation.

These gender disparities aforementioned include but not limited to: right to education, right to justice against domestic violence, abuse and molestation, discrimination and child marriage.

This persistent increase in awareness, campaign and support by the women right advocates and girl child activists had led to the epochal advancement of the girls growing massively to become intellectual women taking up the leadership, academic, technological roles and positions here in Africa and the world at large.

Presently, the boy child, especially the African boy child has been given less attention and support, thereby making them less productive and competitive.

Therefore, it’s necessary and urgent that as human right advocates, we need to find a way of creating an enabling clause and structure by investing on the male child as well as the female child to balance the sloppy societal construct and other stereotypical conception.

The act of creating a balance to the unbalanced gender favoritism has made some concerned minds and brave voices pushed for a “Boy Child Day” on 11th day of November 2018 to campaign for the boy child neglect here in Nigeria.

The campaign, tagged; “BOYS ARE NOT STONES” was spearheaded by John Chizoba Vincent, Jamiu Ahmed and Jaachi Anyatonwu, among others — to create equal awareness and support for the boy child, too — and this is neither in any way to demean women liberation movement nor to create gender competition or wage war against the prevalent girl child activism.

The “BOYS ARE NOT STONES I” anthology, (published by ACEworld Publishers) in 2018 is a collection of poems, essays and short stories based on the discourse revolving the plight and quandary faced by the boy child.

This is the second issue jointly published by Poemify Publishers and ACEworld Publishers, edited by Jaachi Anyatonwu, Jamiu Ahmed, John Chizoba Vincent, Uchende Njieonye, Maxwell Onyemaechi Opia Enwemuche and Ebubechukwu Bruno Nwagbo, featuring over 240 creative works from poets, writers and critical analysts from Africa and beyond.

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ACEworld Publishers


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  1. I see boys,guys,men in a different light now…,the responsibility they must bear,burdens they must bear all because they are men..

    Its absolutely mind blowing how these authors put words together…kudos to the publishers and contributors of the book…

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