Editorial: Ten Powerful Lines From Toby Abiodun’s ‘The revolution’ That Will Make you Moonwalk On Water Undrowned

We already got a review for this wonderful spoken word from ACEworld’s editor, Adeniran Joseph.

From Adeniran’s words;

I see things from the other side, because Toby’s words are too experimental to define. His dictions are more than source of inspiration to the deafness of our sense. So, when we pick some literary devices that are mainly to check the ills of the society, this piece is a vital instrument for such advancement.

In this piece, I felt the passion of each lines becoming a body. Especially when he said:

“Everyone speak the Language of war!”.



Below are the ten powerful lines:

  1. You would think murder was fine art, our boys have learnt to draw guns.
  2. I have come of age to understand that the promised Messiah is a Revolution.
  3. They take maximum salaries and argue minimum wage like it was a market commodity.
  4. A hundred banks hold nothing in safe.
  5. Change is now a scary word, like Bob Marley’s hair we dread it.
  6. In place of agriculture we have learnt to export loots. And the only things we seem to import effortlessly are the naked foreign girls in music videos.
  7. They make you work 9 to 5 and get 5 to 9 but the take home pay never takes you home.
  8. The statement, police is your friend is just a reminder that Judas was also a disciple
  9. We keep building new soldiers but put them under old commands.
  10. And it’s simple, like visual basic, for us to successfully run this country, we have to first debug the program. And this is why the revolution will stand.


Written by Micheal Ace


Download ‘The Revolution’ by Toby Abiodun


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