Federal Government Recruitment 2021: List of Parastatals and How to Get Recruited Successfully

Federal Government Recruitment 2021

Unemployment is one menace many Nigerian youths face. But rather than mope about this, you can get something done for yourself. For instance, you can begin a startup or apply for any federal government recruitment.

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Every year, the federal government of Nigeria creates employment opportunities in different parastatals. It is left for you as a citizen to apply. And if your application is successful, you’ll face no hurdle to get recruited.

If you’re contemplating the perfect federal government recruitment you should opt for, here in this article are a list of them.

So, don’t stop reading at all.

We’ll also show you how to apply and secure employment with the government.

Why You Should Apply for Federal Government Recruitment

Have it at the back of your mind that these jobs are usually competitive. You and more than a thousand other Nigerians are trying to get recruited too.

What then is your assurance of getting in? we can assure you that if you are qualified enough and you complete the application process successfully, you may be picked.

However, you shouldn’t because federal government jobs are hard to come by stop yourself from applying. As the saying goes, there is no harm in trying at all.

These jobs come with many mouthwatering benefits that can change your life in a second. They include:

Financial Security

This is concomitant with any job. Once you’re employed, your finances are secured. It is left for you to manage your income and reinvest so you can get multiple sources of income.

Health Benefits

When you get a federal government job, you can be sure your health matters will be handled by the government. For example, you enjoy free medical bills. This way, you don’t have to bother about spending on medications from your salary. Once you get federal government recruitment, your health matters become theirs.

Pension Funds

Imagine receiving money even when you are retired. That’s what happens when you get a federal government recruitment. You get paid pensions that will cater for your wants when old age comes. And that’s not all. The juicy part is that even when you are dead, your next of kin will also get gratuity.

List of Federal Government Recruitment in Nigeria

The Nigerian federal government recruitment happens annually and there are procedures to follow for each. Hence, below are the government agencies and ministries with employment opportunities:

Federal Government Jobs in the Communication Sector

Did you study anything related to Mass Communication? Are you well-versed in writing, journalism, broadcasting and information technology?

If yes, below is a list of government agencies in the communication sector that you can get recruited in:

  • Nigerian Broadcasting Commission (NBC)
  • National Frequency Management Council
  • Broadcasting Organisation of Nigeria (BON)
  • Nigerian Press Council (NPC)
  • Nigerian Television Authority (NTA)
  • News Agency of Nigeria (NAN)
  • Nigerian Communications Commission (NCC)
  • National Information Technology Development Agency (NITDA)
  • Nigeria Communications Satellite Limited (NIGCOMSAT)
  • Nigerian Postal Service (NIPOST)

Federal Government Recruitment in the Agriculture Sector

If you’ll like to work in the agriculture sector, here are the government agencies you should try out:

Federal Government Recruitment in the Military and Paramilitary

If you have passion for the military or paramilitary, you can get recruited into the following arms:

Federal Jobs in Economy

If you are interested in the area of production, distribution and management of resources in the economy, submit your CV to the following agencies:

  • Central Bank of Nigeria (CBN)
  • Debt Management Office (DMO)
  • Corporate Affairs Commission (CAC)
  • Asset Management Corporation of Nigeria (AMCON)
  • Federal Inland Revenue Service (FIRS)
  • Fiscal Responsibility Commission (FRC)
  • Small and Medium Enterprise Development Agency of Nigeria (SMEDAN)
  • Securities and Exchange Commission (SEC)
  • Nigeria Export Processing Zones Authority(NEPZA)
  • Standards Organisation of Nigeria (SON)
  • Budget Office of the Federation (BOF)
  • Bureau of Public Enterprises (BPE)
  • National Insurance Commission (NAICOM)
  • National Pension Commission (PenCom)
  • Bureau of Public Procurement (BPP)
  • Federal Mortgage Bank of Nigeria (FMBN)
  • Infrastructure Concession Regulatory Commission (ICRC)
  • National Bureau of Statistics (NBS)
  • National Council on Privatisation (NCP)
  • National Planning Commission (NPC)
  • National Sugar Development Council(NSDC)
  • Niger Delta Development Commission(NDDC)
  • Nigeria Customs Service (NCS)
  • Nigeria Deposit Insurance Corporation(NDIC)
  • Nigeria Investment Promotion Commission(NIPC)
  • Nigerian Export-Import Bank (NEXIM Bank)
  • Nigerian Export Promotion Council (NEPC)

Federal Jobs in the Aviation Sector

If you want a career in aviation, apply to the following agencies:

  • Nigerian Airspace Management Agency (NAMA)
  • Nigerian Civil Aviation Authority (NCAA)
  • Federal Airports Authority of Nigeria (FAAN)
  • Accident Investigation Bureau (AIB)
  • Nigerian College of Aviation Technology (NCAT)
  • Nigerian Meteorological Agency (NIMET)

Federal Government Jobs in the Energy Sector

If you have skills in matters related to electricity, power or energy, you may find a place in the following governmental parastatals:

  • Nigerian National Petroleum Corporation (NNPC)
  • Energy Commission of Nigeria (ECN)
  • National Power Training Institute of Nigeria (NAPTIN)
  • Power Holding Company of Nigeria (PHCN)
  • Transmission Company of Nigeria
  • Department of Petroleum Resources (DPR)
  • Rural Electrification Agency (REA)
  • Electricity Management Services Limited (EMSL)
  • Nigerian Electricity Regulatory Commission (NERC)
  • Nuclear Regulatory Authority (NNRA)
  • Petroleum Product Pricing Regulatory Agency (PPPRA)

Federal Government Jobs in the Health Sector

Are you a medical practitioner? Perhaps a nurse, pharmacist or doctor, apply for a job in the following governmental agencies. But first, ensure you have your license.

Federal Government Jobs in the Education Sector

Do you have passion for education or you’d like to work in the education sector? Apply for jobs and get recruited into the following agencies:

Federal Government Legal/Judicial Jobs

Did you study law? Are you a legal practitioner and would want to utilise your certificate, knowledge and skills for the government? If yes, apply to the following agencies:

  • Federal Judicial Service Commission(FJSC)
  • National Judicial Council (NJC)
  • National Judicial Institute (NJI)

Federal Government Recruitment in the Environmental Sector

If you love to keep the environment clean and would want to see to it that the Nigerian environment does not suffer, the following agencies can recruit you:

  • Federal Environmental Protection Agency (FEPA)
  • National Oil Spill Detection and Response Agency (NOSDRA)
  • Forestry Research Institute of Nigeria (FRIN)
  • National Biosafety Management Agency (NBMA)
  • National Environmental Standards and Regulations Enforcement Agency (NESREA)

How to Apply for Federal Government Recruitment

To apply for federal government recruitment, visit the official websites of the agencies and parastatals carrying out the employment.

Once you log on to their websites, check their job board navigation to see their current vacancies. There you will also see directions on how to go about the application. It may be to fill a form on the website and upload your CV or to submit your application via email.

In addition, you have to really understand the recruitment process of each job before you begin the application. This way, you don’t make any mistake at all.

Federal Government Recruitment into the Airforce and Army

Currently, the application portal for the Nigerian Airforce Airmen and Airwomen is open. So long as you are interested, patriotic and eligible, you are free to apply via nafrecruitment.airforce.mil.ng

Hurry now. Application closes March 30, 2021.

In the same vein, application into the Nigerian Army 81rri is ongoing. If you are eligible and patriotic enough to serve your country, apply here.

To get the latest news and updates on any federal government recruitment, join our WhatsApp forum right away.

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