Latest Npower News: Npower makes Final Selection, many disqualified

The long-awaited Batch C Stream 2 Npower Programme will soon kick off activities as the selected “beneficiaries” round off their Physical Verification exercise within the 3 days extension period ending on Wednesday, 29th June 2022.

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The end of the Physical Verification exercise will be followed by the deployment of the beneficiaries who have successfully passed the Physical Verification exercise.

While the atmosphere heated up with quite a number of applicants of the Batch C Stream 2 Npower Programme wanting to know why many, even applicants shortlisted and participated in the Biometric enrolment, were unable to partake in the Npower Batch C Stream 2 Physical Verification exercise, the Npower management responded as follows:

“There are two causes for beneficiaries’ Physical verification venue not showing up:

  1. Either they did not make the final selection, which is the most predominant issue, and it is “clearly displayed” on their dashboard as either “Applicant” or “Shortlisted”, “without the beneficiary status”.
  2.   In a network-related issue, the remedy is simply when they call in such situations, we instruct them to go to the NYSC secretariat in their LGA and they will get verified.

“Most of the complains you see on social media are those who were not selected.”

SEE ALSO: Npower News: Npower Batch C Stream 2 Stipends Payment Starting Date



The No 2 is a situation whereby an applicant is marked as a “Beneficiary” without the Physical Verification Venue. In this case, when such an applicant calls Npower, he/she will be directed where to do the Physical Verification.

The above entails that a Shortlisted applicant who participated in the Npower Batch C Stream 2 Physical Verification exercise and “Passed”, has automatically been chosen as a Batch C Stream 2 Npower beneficiary.

While tension heighten for angry applicants who did not make the final list, the Federal Ministry of Humanitarian Affairs, Disaster Management and Social Development have not released any intention for Npower Batch C Stream 3 or Npower Batch D.

NPower: [sc name=”npowerp”][/sc

Originally published by Myinficlock

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