Npower News: Nasims Gives Reasons on Pending Status And Pass Status

The Npower management has given a new update regarding beneficiaries Nasims verification status. According to them, Do Not Report To PPA If Your Nasims Status Has Not Changed To Pass or still show pending. Read details below!

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Nasims wrote:

If your verification status has never changed to PASS for once after your physical verification process and it’s still pending till now, kindly note, your physical verification exercise was not successful and you are not expected to report at your PPA.

Npower News: Nasims Gives Reasons on Pending Status And Pass Status

However, should there be any arrangement for supplementary verification for all concerned, it will be communicated across in due course.

Thank you!

I guess this might also apply to Beneficiaries who just got deployed without participating in the just-concluded physical verification exercise.

We sincerely apologize for any unsolicited change of program status (From Beneficiary to Applicant) on your dashboard. If you’ve encountered such change, kindly call our official lines for assistance 092203102 018888340 while we work to restore the system to normalcy, Nasims stated.

SEE ALSO: Npower Batch C Payment for October 2021 – Updates

How Can I Check my NPower Batch C Deployment Status?

To check your N-Power Deployment Status, kindly visit, log in to your dashboard. At the top of your nasims profile, you will see the Deployment button, click on it.

Once you click on the deployment button in your nasims profile, it will immediately display your batch C Deployment Status.

If you have been Deployed, you will get a response like;


Dear ……., you have been deployed as N-power Batch C Beneficiary.

But if you haven’t been Deployed, you will get a response saying;

“Dear …….., you have not been deployed yet”.

You have not been deployed yet. Please check back for the deployment information after the deployment date has been set.

Why Haven’t I been Deployed as an N-Power Batch C Beneficiary?

Note, for you to be deployed as a beneficiary of the NPower batch C programme, you must first take your NPower Test and score above the recommended cut-off mark before you can be deployed as an N-Power Batch C Beneficiary.

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