Npower News: Why NEXIT Loan Training Batch 2 is yet to commence

Thousands of the exited Batch A and B Npower beneficiaries have expressed dissatisfaction over the non-commencement of the Batch 2 of the CBN AGSMEIS NEXIT Loan Training.

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Recall that the Federal Ministry of Humanitarian Affairs, Disaster Management and Social Development had in a response to an enquiry on when the Batch 2 of the NEXIT Loan Training would begin stated that  “the next batch of the NEXIT Training will commence after the closure of the first Batch.”

Tension has however heightened among the beneficiaries, with plans for an Online Protest, as the NEXIT Loan Training Invitation nor the official statement on the Batch 2 NEXIT Loan Training commencement date has not been made available by the ministry.

we will be detailing REASONS why the NEXIT Loan Training has not commenced for other Batches of the Programme.

SEE ALSO: Latest news on NEXIT Batch 2 Shortlisting

1. Batch 1 NEXIT loan Training has not really ended

NEXIT Loan Training as many perceived is not only the physical presence in the NEXIT Loan Training Center but also encompasses other procedures, during and after the Physical Training, which are part of the Criteria for accessing the NEXIT Loan.

Among these Procedures are “Submission of Business Plan” and “Assessment of Business Plan”. These two are the key components of the NEXIT Loan Training and major criteria for getting the NEXIT Loan.

At this moment, some States are yet to conclude Business Plan Submission let alone the Business Plan Assessment. This will further delay the commencement of Batch 2 of the NEXIT Loan Training.

2. Ease of Coordination

The Minister for Humanitarian Affairs, Disaster Management and Social Development, Sadiya Umar Farouk, noted during the flag off of the NEXIT Loan Training in Abuja that for ease of coordination, the NEXIT Loan Training will be conducted in Phases.

With the number of 75,000 exited Npower beneficiaries in the Batch 1 of the NEXIT Loan Training, there are no fewer than 1000 beneficiaries in each State and about 500 beneficiaries for each participating Entrepreneurship Development Institute (EDI).

500 or more beneficiaries per EDI are not small numbers to manage as regards the NEXIT Loan Training, Submission of Business Plan and the Business Plan Assessment.

Training another Batch says 75,000 beneficiaries while the Batch 1 is ongoing would still mean more delay as the processes of NEXIT Loan Training, Business Plan Submission and Business Plan Assessment must be conducted on each trained beneficiary before concluding on the number of beneficiaries eligible for the NEXIT Loan Disbursement.

SEE ALSO: Nexit News: Second Batch Nexit Training Date And Shortlist

3. Planning/Preparation before Execution 

There is always planning/Preparation before Execution. Training, coordinating, and assessing 1,000 or more beneficiaries at a time is not so easy, especially with the current number of partnering EDI in each State.

One would say engage more EDI but that would mean more expenditure on the Ministry. Everyone knows that the CBN NEXIT AGSMEIS Loan Training is free for all beneficiaries, implying that the Ministry paid for their participation as they are Private Training Institutions.

Even CBN accredited Institutions that are Government-owned participating in the main AGSMEIS Loan Training are collecting N10,000 from each candidate and the amount is approved by the Central Bank of Nigeria. But in the case of NEXIT Loan Training, it is free of charge.

Also, there was an Item 7 served to the beneficiaries during the Batch 1 of the NEXIT Loan Training. This also will have to be planned and provided for before commencing Batch 2 of the NEXIT Loan Training Invitation and the NEXIT Loan Training.

Patience is highly advised among the beneficiaries to allow the Ministry to prepare for Batch 2 of the NEXIT Loan Training. As of now, it can not be inferred that the Ministry has failed or disappointed any beneficiary as regards the CBN/NEXIT AGSMEIS Loan.

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Originally published by Myinfoclock

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