Start and Run A Business From Home: How to turn your hobby or interest into a business (Small Business Start-Ups)

At the time of writing the first edition, I had started and was running a number of mostly home-based businesses, all of which had been started from my kitchen table.

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This gave rise to the first edition which was titled The Kitchen Table Entrepreneur. Some years on, I still run my own businesses. Today, none are located in my kitchen, which is probably just as well, given the high number of visitors to one of our most successful enterprises, The Littlehampton Dutch Bike Shop.

But despite the changing locations, my advice is still the same. If you want to start your own business, travel light. Forget the fancy gismos, the expensive high street
rents, the accountants, business advice gurus, and so on. Instead, think big, but start small.

Learn first to survive, then succeed and finally prosper.

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