The Previously Published Poem Prize | Submit your previously published poems and win up to $3000

The Previously Published Poem Prize

Poets around the world can now submit their previously published poems to The Previously Published Poem Prize. 1st place wins $3000; 2nd place, $300 and 3rd place, $200, all with publications.

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As stated by the sponsor, “Our landscape has exploded with presses and magazines over the last few decades with the advent of digital publications—so many good poems have been found, celebrated, and, unfortunately, forgotten. We want to bring light to those lost pieces of poetry, the work that you love but no longer receives the attention it deserves. Send us your favorite previously published poems!

Submission Guidelines for The Previously Published Poem Prize

  • Submissions are open internationally, to any poet writing in English—other languages are okay to include, as long as the meat of the poem is in English.
  • There is no page requirement, but submission must be no more than 3 poems. Please submit all your poems in ONE document.
  • The poems must have been previously published online or in print to be eligible. Revisions are okay.
  • The poems must not have won any previous awards of $100 or more.
  • DO NOT INCLUDE the publication history of the individual poems in the document. Our readers will read these poems blind.
  • We do accept multiple submissions, but each submission will include the reading fee.
  • Please include a brief cover letter with your publication history.

Prizes for The Previously Published Poem Prize

  • 1st Place: $3000 + Publication
  • 2nd Place: $300 + Publication
  • 3rd Place: $200 + Publication

Deadline for The Previously Published Poem Prize

The Previously Published Poem Prize closes on January 17th, 2021.

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How to submit for The Previously Published Poem Prize

Interested poets should use the APPLY button below to submit their entries via Submittable.


DEADLINE: Jan 17, 2021 [See all deadlines]

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